df_paths | data.frame | | data.frame including customer journeys |
var_path | str | None | name of the column containing paths |
var_conv | str | None | name of the column containing total conversions |
var_null | str | None | name of the column containing total paths that do not lead to conversion |
cha_sep | str | ">" | separator between channels |
channel_conv_name | str | None | how conversion state is identified in df_paths |
df_ctr | data.frame | None | data.frame with click-through rates for channels expressed in number of clicks |
perc_reall | double | 0.10 | Percentage of traffic to reallocate |
perc_sample | double | 0.10 | Percentage of sampled customer journeys |
max_nsim | int | 10000 | Maximum number of sampled customer journeys |
min_perc_traffic | double | 0.005 | Minimum percentage of traffic equally split among each channel |
niter | int | 10 | Number of iterations |
flg_extra_path | bool | 1 | If = 1, extra paths will be added to Data |
max_markov_order | int | 3 | all the Markov models of order <= max_markov_order will be computed |
seed | int | 1234567 | random seed |
verbose | int | 1 | If = 1, some information is printed during the execution |
server | str | "app.channelattribution.io" | address of the server where password will be checked to authorize the execution of the function |
password | str | None | user |