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Transaction-level attribution with heuristic models (last touch, first touch and linear touch) can be performed with function heuristic_models.


Datadata.frame/strdata.frame or a file address where customer journeys are stored
var_pathstrname of the column containing paths
var_convstrname of the column containing total conversions
var_nullstrNonename of the column containing total paths that do not lead to conversion
row_sepstr","if Data is a file address then row _sep is the line separator
cha_sepstr">"separator between channels
flg_write_nullsboolTrueIf True then non converting paths will be returned in path attribution output
flg_write_pathsboolFalseIf True then paths will be returned in the path attribution output
file_outputstrNonefile address where path attribution will be written
serverstr""address of the server where password will be checked to authorize the execution of the function


attributiondata.framepath-level attribution