Installation Windows Jupyter
ChannelAttribution Pro is available through ChannelAttribution Pro JLab, a docker container that includes Jupyter Lab with Python, R and ChannelAttribution Pro installed.
Download and install Docker for Windows
Click on the desktop icon created after the installation to run Docker
Download docker container chattrpro-jlab by running in a command prompt the following instruction:
docker pull channelattributionpro/chattrpro-jlab:latest
- Start the container by running in a command prompt the following instruction:
docker run -it --rm -v "C:\LOCAL\FOLDER":/home/jovyan -p -e GRANT_SUDO=yes -u root --name channelattributionpro -d channelattributionpro/chattrpro-jlab:latest jupyter lab --NotebookApp.token=''
replace C:\LOCAL\FOLDER with the absolute path of a local folder you want to share with the container.
- In your favorite browser visit:
- Get a password to use ChannelAttribution Pro by filling in this short form