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Make more accurate budget allocation and attribution with Channel Attribution Pro

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Introducing Channel Attribution Pro

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Accurately measure the impact of your marketing investments.

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Tune your models to the unique needs of your business model and data model.

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Run your models on massive data sets leveraging our efficient parallel processing algorithms.

Product Features

Open Source Version
ChannelAttribution Pro
Channel Level Multi-Touch Attribution with Markov Model
Transaction Level Multi-Touch Attribution with Markov Model
Unified Attribution Model
Compare different attribution models
Combined attribution from a Multi-Touch model and a Media-Mix model at Transaction Level
Markov Model with Odds
Out-of-Sample choice of the best Markov model order
Real Time Attribution with Markov Model
Preconfigured Docker Containers with RStudio or Jupyter and ChannelAttributionPro installed
Data cleaning and Exploration
Custom Visualization
Model deployment
Access to the Marketing Measurement Handbook
Provide input on the ChannelAttribution dev roadmap
Marketing Measurement Workshops

You are a few steps away from getting the benefits of using ChannelAttribution Pro

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