Data | data.frame | | data.frame which includes columns: 'id_path' (id of the customer journey), 'channel_pos' (position of the channel in the customer journey), 'channel' and one column for each external feature considered |
D_feat_types | dict | | dictionary which indicates the type of the feature: 'categorial' or 'numeric' |
channel_conv | dict | "((CONV))" | how the conversion is indicated in column 'channel' |
eps | double | 0 | clustering algorithm: eps multiplied to the conversion rate of the data is the radius used in the clustering algorithm (DB scan). By default no clustering is performed. |
num_pct | int | 10 | clustering algorithm: number of percentiles used to discretize numeric variables |
max_order | int | 10 | choosing Markov model order: maximum Markov model order to be considered |
nfold | int | 10 | choosing Markov model order: number of fold in cross validation |
perc_test | double | 0.3 | choosing Markov model order: percentage of customer journeys that will be included in the test set of cross validation |
seed | int | 1234567 | random seed. Giving this parameter the same value over different runs guarantees that results will not vary |
perc_tol | double | 0.01 | choosing Markov model order: percentage of tolerance for choosing the best Markov model order. If order o has an AUC(o) which is greater than (1-perc_tol) x AUC(o+1) then order o is consider better than o+1 |
nsim_start | int | 1e5 | Markov model: minimum number of simulations to be used in computation |
max_step | int | None | Markov model: maximum number of length for a single simulated path |
ncore | int | 1 | Markov model: number of threads to be used in computation |
conv_par | double | 0.05 | Markov model: convergence parameter for the algorithm. The estimation process ends when the percentage of variation of the results over different repetions is less than convergence parameter |
rate_step_sim | double | 1.5 | Markov model: number of simulations used at each iteration is equal to the number of simulations used at previous iteration multiplied by rate_step_sim |
server | str | "" | address of the server where password will be checked to authorize the execution of the function |
password | str | None | user |